Eight of our nine City Parks are now Certified Wildlife Habitats, adding a total of 393 acres, including:
- Pine Lake Park
- Beaver Lake Park
- Beaver Lake Preserve
- Bill Reams East Sammamish Park
- Ebright Creek Park
- Sammamish Commons
- Illahee trail
- Evans Creek Preserve
- Beaver Lake Preserve
- Bill Reams East Sammamish Park
- Ebright Creek Park
- Sammamish Commons
- Illahee trail
- Evans Creek Preserve

The Sammamish Plateau Water & Sewer District's headquarters office site and four of their well sites are also now Certified Wildlife Habitats, adding close to 20 acres. Wildlife observed at the District office include black-tailed deer, coyotes, a variety of birds (including mallards, California quail, red-breasted sapsuckers, pileated woodpeckers, rufuous-sided towhees, juncos and chickadees), as well as reptiles, amphibians, butterflies and other insects.
Photo credit: Janet Sailer