Time to celebrate our first year as Certified Community Wildlife Habitat! As of September, 2012, our grand total of certified wildlife habitats in Sammamish consisted of:
200 homes
9 schools
8 City Parks
5 Sammamish Plateau Water District sites
4 Farms
1 Church
Many thanks to you all for helping us reaching this community goal!!

Our current certified schools include:
Discovery Elementary
Sammamish Childrens School
Arbor Schools
Mcauliffe Elementary
Inglewood Jr High
Red Gate Preschool
Creekside Elementary School
Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary
Families who are looking for a project to do with their kids can consider certifying their home or working with one of the schools that are not listed above to become certified. It is a fun and easy project. http://www.nwf.org/CertifiedWildlifeHabitat/UserAccount/SignIn
Teachers, check out all the information and educator resources available to help you create and use a certified Schoolyard Wildlife Habitat as an outdoor classroom!