King County is digging up native plants and need your help!
Join other volunteers digging up trees and shrubs from this site scheduled for a school and housing development in the morning. In the afternoon, we’ll pot-up the salvaged plants for later planting at King County habitat restoration sites. Once planted, these native plants will help reduce erosion, shade streams and provide habitat. Special thanks to the Snoqualmie Valley School District and the PulteGroup for providing the salvage site.
When: Saturday, February 1, 2014
9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Salvage plants for King County.
12:00 to 2:00 p.m: Salvage plants for yourself if you salvaged for the County from 9:00 to 12:00.
1:00 to 4:30 p.m: Potting at Holding Facility (Free plants are offered to potters).
Where: Snoqualmie for salvaging
Issaquah for potting
Directions to the Salvage site: From I-90 take Exit 25 (HWY 18 West and Snoqualmie Parkway). Go north on SE Snoqualmie Parkway. In 1.2 miles, turn left onto SE Swenson Drive. Follow signs to site.
From Highway 202 (SE Fall City-Snoqualmie Road), go south on SE Snoqualmie Parkway and drive 2.5 miles to SE Swenson Drive. Turn right onto SE Swenson Drive. Follow signs to site.
Volunteers who dig for King County from 9:00 to 12:00 are eligible to dig plants for themselves from 12:00 to 2:00.
Not a morning person? Volunteers are also needed at our Native Plant Holding Facility from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. to help pot up the salvaged plants. Volunteers who help with potting are eligible for a free native plant for every half hour they work.
Directions to the Native Plant Holding Facility:
From eastbound or westbound I-90 take exit 18 (Highland Drive) in Issaquah. Continue uphill onto Highland Drive and drive through several lights. Turn right onto Issaquah-Fall City Road. It becomes Duthie Hill Road.
From SE Redmond-Fall City Road go west on 292nd Ave SE. It becomes SE Duthie Hill Road.
The facility is in Duthie Hill Park on the south side of the road at 27101 SE Duthie Hill Road.
Drive through the “do not enter” signs to the nursery at the end of road.
Notes: A parent or guardian must accompany volunteers under 16 years old. Dress for the weather and be prepared to get dirty. Sturdy shoes or boots are recommended. The site can be muddy. We’ll provide gloves, tools and light refreshments.
Please call Cindy Young at 206-296-8065 or email if you plan to participate.